Doyle Dykes- Best Guitarist Ever?

What a thing to say, best guitarist ever…

That was the title of this video on YouTube..

Why would someone dare title a video with such a claim? Well, the truth is- the title or headline as it’s often called is the “hook” that reels the viewer in.

A catchy hook or something that seems outrageous is most certainly going to bring the masses of people to view.

In this case, the title brought over 3.5 million viewers, whereas Doyle’s other videos which were just as good brought considerably less.

I personally think it’s great that this video got so many views and it doesn’t bother me about the title….

Does it bother you?




  1. George Velikanje

    personally I am always amazed how I hear the best guitarist Ive ever heard ,then later I hear some one not better but different and equally as amazing ….but these are all technical monsters that one can only respect ….my love is for the raw emotions and rough cut playing that comes from the need to express their tears and joy ,rage and love …the art is in the emotional component …this is where my ear goes and my heart and mind follow …..I have been playing …albeit poorly for 37 years and am not a performer nor an entertainer …just a man who loves the instrument and the music ….a true nobody in the closet …….this is a wonderful site.

    • Thanks George, I’m with you – the emotion always seems the most difficult part that can be elusive for even the most technically gifted players.

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