Street Guitar #14: 7,449,077 Hits On YouTube

Yes, this is the same guy from the last video (Street Guitar #13)… Tom Ward from Australia.

He’s went from the streets to “Australia’s Got Talent” TV Show, or as they say in Nashville- “From the Outhouse to the Penthouse.”

This is just an audition but, look at the numbers he has – 7,449,077 and counting!

I can only hope that all the talented Street Guitarists that have appeared in our mini series should be as fortunate.

I’m not sure what has happened with Tom Ward or even if he ended up a winner but, the numbers he has put up for this one video will certainly make it so he is able to get some quality gigs, a possible recording contract, more high profile appearances, etc…

He now has so many more potential fans than most of the bigger more well known guitar players.

Don’t you just love happy endings!

Sincere thanks to all of you tuning into Acoustic Guitar Videos for this series and keep tuning in- they’ll be more cool things to follow.



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