Vengerka/Two guitars. Russian-Romany (Gypsy).
Alexander Gorodezky sent this into our facebook site…
WOW!!! This is crazy good! Thank you Alexander!
Here’s the description:
“Via Romen” Nuevo Russian-Romany (Gypsy) Music and Dance ensemble from the US. Artistic director, Russian Rom (Gypsy) 7-string guitarist, dancer and vocalist — Vadim Kolpakov; Violin, back up vocals — Arkadiy Gips; Lead vocal, accordion & dance Petra Gelbart; Six-string guitar — Alex Gorodezky. Performance in Seattle, WA in 2010.”Vengerka”, Russian-Romany tune and dance.
Unfortunately after reading that, I still don’t know exactly whose who? Maybe someone can help me out with this one….
Apparently this is a tour that features more than just music.
What guitarist do you know that puts his axe down after a song and breaks into dancing like this!
UPDATE:Vengerka/Two guitars. Russian-Romany (Gypsy).
Ricardo Granillo came to the rescue with this info. Thanks Ricardo!!
“Arkadly Gips on left Violin, Vadim Kolpakov in center 7 string guitar, Alexander Gorodezky right on Guitar. Excellent musicians!”