Daniel Givone Quartet : Nuages, And Then Some
Back in 1982, I got to tour with a three piece Americana style group with gigs mostly up and down the west coast of France. The manager for us was an excellent musician by the name of Andy Arleo who set up the tour and kept us busy for an entire month.
I’ve recently caught up with my old friend Andy through this Acoustic Guitar Videos site of all things. Andy is still very active with music in France on many levels and probably knows more about the history (especially acoustic music) than most.
Here’s a video that he shared and wrote the following:
“If you ever come to Nantes, France, you can hear Daniel and his group in local clubs. I heard him play last night at Le Violon Dingue (where a bluegrass guitarist named Bob Harris once played with the Hot Foot Travelers!).”
Well Andy, you had us playing so many places that I can’t remember!
But, let’s talk a little about the Daniel Givone Quartet…!!!
Nuages, the Django Reinhardt composition is a beautiful piece, and well executed here by the Quartet..
In fact, Daniel (I’m hoping he is the lead guitarist) is ripping like there’s no tomorrow on this.
And what about the guy that’s playing the big box that looks like a piano with mallets? If anyone can tell me what instrument that is, I would like to know. I think it really fits so well with this style of music.
Thumbs up for this video- AWESOME!
Daniel Givone Quartet : Nuages, And Then Some UPDATE:
By John Hill:
” It’s called a Concert Cimbalom (similar to a hammered dulcimer). A type of chordophone composed of a large, trapezoidal box with metal strings stretched across its top. The cimbalom is (typically) played by striking two beaters against the strings. The steel treble strings are arranged in groups of 4 and are tuned in unison. The bass strings which are over-spun with copper, are arranged in groups of 3 and are also tuned in unison.
The concert cimbalom was developed by József Schunda in 1874 in Budapest, Hungary was closer in its range of pitch, dynamic projection and weight to the proportions of a small piano than the various folk hammered dulcimers had been. The Schunda cimbalom was equipped with a heavier frame for more stability and dynamic power. It included many more string courses for extended range and incorporated a damper pedal which allowed for more dynamic control. The concert cimbalom continues to be played primarily with beaters although other playing techniques are used.”