Axel Schultheiss: Ethereal Performance

Here’s guitarist Axel Schultheiss from Germany with a song entitled “Magic Hour” which features a fingerstyle guitar performance that I think a lot of you here will appreciate.

Yea there’s some fast phrases and lines here, but mostly Axel’s creation of a mood which is very ethereal takes center stage.

“filmed live in concert at Kelterkonzerte, Ellmendingen on November 9th, 2013 live version of this composition which was originally released on my album “on wings” (ozella music)

Goodall RS with a L.R.Baggs Lyric into a L.R.Baggs Venue D.I”


Here’s another Axel Schultheiss from video with a song entitled “Spiral Dance” which is an example of acoustic guitar with the use of digital delay and loops. This video of all of his (as far as I know) has the most views so far.

It’s almost hard to tell what part(s) of this are delayed and which is from loops. But one thing is for certain- the use of these devises creates a soundscape that otherwise is not possible on the acoustic guitar.

“Axel Schultheiss – a soundtrip on acoustic guitar – contemplative, evocative and mesmerizing music on acoustic guitar combined with multiple delays and loops.

The studio version of “Spiral Dance” can be heard on my album “Free Mind” ( acoustic 
music records ). 

See a transcription of this composition in my book “Kreative Wege” ( Acoustic Music / Fingerprint ). This version was recorded live in Karlsruhe, Germany”


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