Vicki Genfan- Slap Tap Wow

Here’s New Jersey guitarist and 2008 Guitar Player Contest Winner Vicki Genfan in a live performance at the Soave Guitar Festival, Italy.


The “slap-tap” technique brings the acoustic guitar to another level in my opinion that conventional playing such as the classical guitar technique and/or standard fingerstyle guitar does not encompass.

Vicki who also plays the banjo and trombone, has performed at many folk style venues around the world. I haven’t heard her sing but she is said to have a great voice.

She’s been labeled “Queen of Open Tunings” which is cool but, it’s the great playing, not the tunings I’m impressed with.



  1. Jay Tolbert

    I enjoy the amazing techniques that tapping/slapping artists have created to amaze us all, but I do miss hearing an actual melody come from much of it. Try whistling to a drum solo. Jon Gomm is a notable exception who does incorporate equal parts melody, harmony and rhythm while using the open tunings and percussive effects.

  2. Yea John, put it that way and I guess I have to agree with you, Would imagine that a melody based piece might be a challenge for most of the tapping stuff?

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